
Tuning in to the Message

Do not ignore symptoms or berate yourself for having them! Tune in to the message your body is giving you.


Once we realize that symptoms are there to help us fix a problem, we no longer are inclined to ignore them. Ignoring symptoms only begs the Universe to speak louder by increasing the pain or discomfort.

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Our Bodies are Intricate Sensitive Receptors

Become more cognizant of early warning signs your body sends. Pay attention to what your body is telling you. Your body is an intricate, sensitive receptor.


When we begin to pay attention to the signals our bodies send to us it is amazing how much they tell us. This is all part of the divinely created system of life.

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Treating Ourselves Better

Thank your body for enabling you to make it this far, despite your inattention to it. Resolve to treat yourself better.


Loving our bodies and being grateful for what they do for us is not always easy-especially when we have health issues or don't like the way our bodies look. We must remember, however, that our bodies are Divinely gifted to us in order to support our divine purpose.

Bk2 D1