Jewish Lifecycle Event Preparation
I am here to guide you and help you prepare emotionally, spiritually and pratically for your Jewish life cycle events. I am also available to officiate if your event will be held in the greater Seattle area.
Adult Bat/Bar Mitzva Project
I am excited to be preparing for a new project to offer B’Mitzvas to those who never had the chance to have one - no matter what your age. In addition I plan to hold “Teaching Torah Services” where all Jews can have a hands-on experience reading, lifting and holding the Torah. The energy in a Torah is amazing and spiritiually strong and unfortunately most of us, especially women, have not been able to experience the joys of being close to a Torah scroll.
The empetus for this project was the Bat Mitzva of my good friend Helen in 2021. I had the priveledge to name her with her new Hebrew name Chaiya at the Bat Mitzva!
In order to realize this project I need to purchase a Sefer Torah. I am excited to have the opportunity to purchase one of the Silk Screen Torah Scrolls endorsed by Rabbi Yitzchak Abadi, one of the world’s leading poskim, over ten years ago. How exciting to be on the front end of positive change: making sefer Torahs more accessible to people.
Please contact me if you or someone you know can help make this project happen by donating towards the sefer Torah!