All conversion programs are tailor-made so whether you are just beginning the process or you have already been studying for years we can work together to prepare you for your conversion.
What does the conversion study process look like?
Step One (applicable only if you have not yet contacted or chosen a Beth Din): Apply to the Beth Din to be accepted as a conversion candidate. Once your application has been received by the Beth Din it will be reviewed and, if it is accepted, you will be invited to an interview. Subsequently you will be notified concerning your acceptance to the program.
Step Two: Schedule an initial session with me where we discuss where you are in your learning process, and set up a personalized learning program for you. There is no charge for the initial session. Click Here to set up an initial session. At the end of the session we will schedule as many sessions as you would like to get started. I will guide you throughout your studies and serve as your teacher, coach and mentor until you are ready for conversion.
Step Three: When both you and I feel you are ready, I will submit all your supporting documents to the Beth Din on your behalf along with a recommendation for Giur. Once all the supporting documents have been received by the Beth Din, the Beth Din will correspond with you directly concerning your conversion interview with the Beth Din.
Step Four: After the conversion interview is completed, if your conversion has been approved, a date and time for your tevilah/immersion will be agreed upon and the Beth Din will email you the Mikva Protocol.
Remember, I will be with you every step of the way to support you in this life changing journey. Am Israel is enriched by every soul who joins us and I look forward to celbrating your conversion with you.
Note: There is no set or required length for conversion study as each candidate comes with their own knowledge and lived experience of Judaism. There is a set of criteria that I, as the sponsoring rabbi, must take into consideration before recommending a candidate to the beit din for conversion.