High Holidays

For a halakhic guide for the High Holidays and sukkot during covid Click Here

Rosh Hashanah

During the month prior to Rosh Hashana it is traditional to pray special prayers called Slihot to prepare for the Day of Rememberance (the name the Torah calls Rosh Hashana). For a tutorial by R Haim Ovadia Click Here

There is a tradition on Rosh Hashana to eat symbolic foods (simanim) meant to help ensure a good new year. I put together a list that blends a variety of customs and included English versions of the traditional Hebrew blessings. It is fun to be creative in how to include the ingredients. Download the pdf Here For a guide to the RH Seder and Simmanim with the Hebrew Click Here

What is Rosh Hashana all about? Download a pdf of some ideas concerning the Essence of Rosh Hashana Here