The hormone Leptin controls body fat and prevents weight gain when it is functioning properly. With leptin resistance, however, it can’t reach the hypothalamus so the brain thinks it is starving and tells the body to hold on to fat and increase weight.
Metabolic Syndrome
It is thought to be the result of genetic predisposition and exacerbated by poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. Sleep apnea or other interrupted sleep patterns may also play a part.
Thiamine for Diabetes
Thiamine helps convert the food we eat into energy and benefits people suffering from diabetes, depression, stress, and fatigue. Navy/kidney beans, flax seeds and wild-caught salmon are excellent sources.
Essential Oils
Also known as volatile oils, ethereal oils, or simply plant oils, they retain the aroma, taste, and therapeutic properties of the plant they came from.
Reduction and eventual cessation of menstrual periods can be accompanied by uncomfortable night sweats and hot flashes, mood changes and irritability, headaches and depression, as well as trouble sleeping. Many women experience dry skin, thinning hair, slowed metabolism, weight gain and loss of breast fullness among other often disturbing changes. Need help?