Stress relief

Spiritual Energetics

Have you ever experienced the wonders inherent in adopting a Jewish lifestyle and view of reality?

Tapping into the energetic flow

Sometimes, due to disallusionment with the way we have seen some Judaism played out, we forget that we can tap in to the energetic flow of the universe through time honored practices. Don’t forget that there is a beautiful spirituality inherent in the mitzvot if we approach them properly!




Release the Stress

Think about the various stressors in your life.

Releasing stress

Contemplate how they affect you. How do they make you feel? Now release them.⁠

It's OK!

Do you sometimes experience flare-ups?


Sometimes, especially if we are dealing with a chronic health situation, we get thrown backwards despite all our efforts. This is often referred to as a flare-up and flare-ups can be devastating leading to anger, shame or depression. I find it helpful to keep in mind that life is never a straight line and that flare-ups can serve a positive purpose in forcing us to focus back on the basics needed to keep us healthy.



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