
Be Here Now

Carry out what you’re doing with a maximal ‘be here now’ mindset.  Don’t think about anything but the issue at hand. By just focusing on the now and avoiding worry, stress, or concern for the past or the future we can greatly improve our health.


Being in the now brings balance and balance brings health.


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Sleep is Crucial

Make sure you are getting enough deep sleep. Sleep is crucial for repairing and rejuvenating the cells of our bodies. Both mentally and physically, a good night’s sleep is essential for our health and our energy. This is an area of great challenge for those suffering from the symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

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According to the Zohar, a mystical commentary on the Torah, when we sleep 59/60 parts of our soul leave our body and are free to ascend to the heavenly realms and be nourished. So not only does our body replenish from sleep but our soul also. 

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Let it Go!

Make sure you are really letting your number one stressor go. Don’t hold on. Let go of any unhealthy attachments. Revisit your energy practitioner.  Remember you need several sessions sometimes before you notice results. You are teaching your body to remember how to heal itself. 


King David/David Hamelech wrote, “Hashlech Al Hashem Yehavcha – Throw up your burden to Hashem/God who loves you.” You’ve done what you can. Now just let it go. Release it.

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