
Electrolyte Water

In addition to drinking pure water you might try adding some electrolyte water. It is good to drink both filtered water and electrolyte water intermittently throughout the day. 

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Chronic dehydration is a leading cause of illness. A good rule of thumb for water intake is 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds body weight. You can find electrolyte powders at health food stores or make your own.


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Drink Water!

Start out every day with two cups of water. Add a splash of lemon or lime.

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By drinking two cups of water first thing in the morning we can replace the water our bodies lost during the night and insure that we are not starting out our day dehydrated.


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Hold the Vision

Did you remember to envision yourself in perfect health this morning and to feel the gratitude and excitement that it brings? If not, do it now! Really feel it. Hold the vision as long as you can.


It might be a good idea to review the tips from book one again and use any that you have forgotten.


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