
Self-defeating Beliefs

Do you harbor self-defeating beliefs?

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When we find ourselves indulging in self critcism or defeatism it is important to try and identify the belief behind it. Many times we are not even aware that we have aquired self-defeating beliefs. Once we have identified a negative belief that doesn’t serve us we can replace it with a positive self-empowering belief.



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You Are Worthy

Do you sometimes experience a feeling of unworthiness?

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Feelings of unworthiness have a cumulative negative effect on our bodies and our souls. Sometimes these feelings come in response to seemingly unatainable expectations of others, while often we are our own worst critics. It is important to let go of these negative feelings and focus instead on trying to figure out what we have to offer the world that no one else can. Every living being is significant and has a role to play in this evolving Universe.



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You Are Significant

Did you feel sometimes that your actions and even your existence is insignificant?

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Often we don’t realize how powerful we really are. Each of our thoughts, actions, emotions and intentions have the potential to effect the thoughts, actions and emotions of others. If this is not significant, what is?



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