
What is Healing all About?

Healing, both energetic and other, is all about removing the blocks and opening up the Divine Flow.  The key to healing any illness is CHANGE. The spiritual and the physical are one.



Just as the mental, emotional and physical manifestations of ill health will shift and heal more easily when the spiritual imbalances are addressed, I maintain that if we hold the proper intention we can also energetically access the soul through the body thus attaining true healing.

Lifestyle changes, including removing stress, cleaning up your diet, getting proper sleep and exercise, being grateful, clearing repressed emotions, and so forth, all help in the journey toward making the spiritual changes necessary for healing.

Preparatory Steps: Day 2

Healing of Body and Soul

Healing of body and soul has a rich Jewish tradition which incorporates many methods and works from many levels.

Obtaining balance, harmony, and connectivity to our Source is the key. Though it is helpful to access healing through doctors and healers all of us were created in Infinite Wisdom with the innate ability to tap into the Divine Energies and access healing of all kinds. This is a talent I have been led, BH to develop over the last fifteen years, prompted by my own need for personal healing.

Preparatory Steps: Day 1
