Jewish Healing

Just Do It!

Getting rid of a major stressor is usually not easy. Do it anyway. See this step as a unique opportunity to grow and perfect yourself. Take the necessary action.


Remember, if it is not possible to eliminate the source of the major stressor from your life, don't give up. Change how you perceive it and you will eliminate the stress within it. This may take time and effort but it is well worth it. Happy Pesach/Passover to those who celebrate.


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Get Rid of It


Get rid of your number one stressor. Just do it. Figure out how. You can do it. You will be happy that you did – no matter how hard it is to do. If it is impossible to eliminate the source of the stressor from your life change how you perceive it and you will eliminate the stress within it. Don’t fool yourself though. Get rid of the source if you can.


This weekend we Jews relive our redemption from slavery during the Pesach/Passover Seder. Energetically, this is an excellent time to eliminate negative influences in our life. Whether your biggest stressor stems from strained interpersonal relations, deep-seated resentments, false beliefs or even something as benign as accepting too much on your plate now is a good time to release it!


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Identify the Stress

Identify the biggest stressor in your life. Be honest with yourself.  Envision how you would feel without this stress. Do you feel happier? Healthier? Do you want that?


Often we deny the source of our stress or accept it as unavoidable. This is a mistake. If you feel the physical, emotional or spiritual manifestations of stress – look for the source. We are still in the month of miraacles. What better time to reveal the light within ourselves by bringing the source of our stress to the surface?



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