Men, menopausal and post-menopausal women should not take a multivitamin that contains iron unless they are severely iron deficient. Among other things, this may increase inflammation in the joints.
It is also beneficial for osteoarthritis and pain reduction. Green leafy vegetables, carrots, fermented soy products and avocados are excellent sources.
Release the Stress
Think about the various stressors in your life. Contemplate how they affect you. How do they make you feel? Now release them.
Cortisol Levels
The hormone Leptin controls body fat and prevents weight gain when it is functioning properly. With leptin resistance, however, it can’t reach the hypothalamus so the brain thinks it is starving and tells the body to hold on to fat and increase weight.
Metabolic Syndrome
It is thought to be the result of genetic predisposition and exacerbated by poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. Sleep apnea or other interrupted sleep patterns may also play a part.