Prolonged use brings a risk of burning of the mucous membranes, and possible upset of gut flora. Overconsumption can cause possible liver or kidney toxicity.
Ways to use Essential Oils
The most common uses are Direct inhalation (diffusers, heat, spritzers, steaming, baths); Secondary inhalation (cleaning products, air fresheners); and Topical application (salves, compresses or with massage).
Think Positive
In order to think positively, try seeing the good in every situation that comes your way, and figure out how to make it even better.
It is also good for skin and gums issues. Beets, wild-caught fish and sunflower seeds are excellent sources of B3.
Become a New You
No time for regrets. Regrets pull us back. I am a new me. That old me is no longer me. Please God hear my prayer for renewal. Draw me close and hold me tight.